Unlike some other accelerators, we aren’t going to grab a big chunk of equity to help you polish your pitch deck. Instead, the team at the Scaffold Program works alongside you and your crew to help push the business side of your game to the next level. We have already raised close to $15 million in financing for Western Canadian game companies.



Call to Alberta Game Devs

Our Team

Sponsored by the Alberta government, we are looking to create cohorts of game producers and take you from conceptualizing your product to production and building publisher relations.

Apply Now

If you are an Alberta game producer who wants to bring a great game idea to life, we don't care if you live in Edmonton, Calgary, or anywhere else across this great province - we would like you to join our venture acceleration program. Cohort 4 starts in September 2024. Contact at info@scaffold-institute.com

Our Scaffold program provides full-on training in the art of building your game business, always with a laser focus on what the market is buying, what investors are funding, and where the technical curve is likely to bend. 

Venture Curriculum

You will learn directly from leading game industry experts from around the world so that you can bring your games to the world.  These mentors include investors, publishers, HR strategists, data room junkies, extraordinary indies, and financial decision makers that can help propel your study upwards. 

Topics include pitching your game (exciting!), structuring your financial operations (not as exciting, but important), finding your co-founder, building your social media strategy, seducing publishers, and much more!

Join Our Venture Acceleration Program: Cohort 4